Thursday, June 2, 2022

Orisson to Burguete - 14 miles

Across the Pyrenees

This morning began with a beautiful sunrise in the mountains and a very appropriate verse from Psalm 86:

“Show me, Lord, your way

so that I may walk in your truth.”

Today, we continued to walk up into the Pyrenees. The morning was pretty much one continuous ascent. But, once again, the views were incredible. 

Along the way we met some four-legged friends, and came to the shrine of “The Virgin of Orisson.”  One guidebook said that she is revered by shepherds and she keeps watch over the area. A wonderful place to stop and rest under Our Mother Mary’s protection. 

Our next stop came in the form of a food truck. Yes, there was a food truck on the Camino in the middle of the mountains!  And it had a bathroom. Well, it had a small alcove in the rocks that they called a bathroom. It worked. Not the most privacy I’ve ever had and not all that clean, but it did the job. And once again….simplicity and humility on full display :)

We then crossed into Spain. No passport needed. No cheers. Not even a sign, really. Just walk across. For a brief moment I was in both France and Spain. I didn’t know where I was!

We finally made it to the top, and with very little fanfare started going downward. We had two options. A steeper but shorter route, or a more meandering but longer route. We decided to “let the Camino choose” so we asked a nice French speaker for advice. He told us - in pretty good English - that the steeper option was best, and then proceeded to walk on the meandering path! The Camino was being very wishy-washy today. At any rate, we chose the shorter path and it really wasn’t too steep. However, it was obvious that we were descending rapidly. It took us two days to get to the top, and just a few hours to get down. 

This dumped us into the village of Roncesvalles (population 30). Most pilgrims actually arrive here in one day (not splitting it up like we did. I’m very glad we took two days.)  But that means the town is swarming with pilgrims. 

We decided to go another 1.5 miles to the town of Burguete where we found a place to stay and a very good dinner of salad and beef stew. 

Walking out of Roncesvalles, we got our marching orders. Tomorrow we walk again. 

Buen camino!

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