Wednesday, June 15, 2022

16 Burgos to Castellanos de Castro - 18 miles

 Well that definitely wasn’t a rest day. 

We left Burgos this morning at 5:45 AM. I know, I can’t believe it either. However, we knew that we were going to have a longer day - around 18 miles - and that it would be hot. I understand that there is a heatwave in the US right now. It’s the same in Europe. Plus, we are now in the “meseta.”  Think of it as Spain’s bread basket as all you see being grown is wheat (or some sort of grain). I assume this is why we have so much good bread each day. The good news is, it’s relatively flat. The bad news is, there’s very little shade. So, the earlier you get started, the less time you need to spend in the hot afternoon sun. 

As you can see, it has its own beauty. But, I won’t lie to you: it was hot and long!

On the way, we passed through a few small towns, including Rabé Rabé de las Calzadas….

… and Hornillos del Camino.

We finally arrived at the pilgrims hotel which is pretty much in the middle of nowhere. But, it’s new and quute comfortable. 

In the afternoon, I sat on the terraza with 77 year old Giancarlo from Italy. My Italian came in handy as I learned he has walked many caminos -18 I think -, including one that is pretty much “unknown.”  He started in 2006 when a friend asked him to walk to Santiago with him. Giancarlo thought he meant Santiago in Chile!  Once the confusion was cleared up, well the rest is history, as they say. His current camino actually started in northern Italy, went through France and is now in Spain. Quite an individual!

And then there’s  Andres, the hotel host. He is a hoot! He likes to tell jokes in English with a heavy Spanish accent. For example:

Andres: Are you finished?

Me: Yes

Andres: Really? I thought you were American, now you tell me your Finnish (from Findland)?

(It’s probably better in person.)

When not working on the Camino, he works in a hospital with kids who have cancer. A real gem!

Now it’s off to bed early as tomorrow will be another warm and early day. 

Buen Camino!

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