Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Papal Excitement

Tonight at cena (that would be dinner) I found myself asking, “Che cosa divento io?” which can be translated as “What am I becoming?”  Now, don’t worry, this is not some existential crisis that I’m going through.  Even after all the philosophy at UD, I’m pretty sure that I exist. 
But, here I am in Rome during a Papal Conclave, and I find myself almost giddy with excitement.  What’s that all about?  I must admit that I usually don’t get too excited about church-hierarchical/government affairs.  Sure, I’m interested in who the local Bishop is (which can be difficult with all my moving around.)  And I like to keep up-to-date on current news of the Church.  But, I would never consider myself a “Vaticanisti” (one who follows the Vatican closely).  But here I am trying to read the latest news reports, looking at videos of the Cardinals filing into the Sistine Chapel, and watching the Vatican webcam!
Current picture from the Vatican webcam.

I think that maybe this all boils down to two things.  First, it is exciting to be here in Rome (the center of it all these days).  I understand that the Church currently finds itself in the midst of a historical time, and it is exciting to be in the middle of it.  Second, I do have a real love for the church.  Even though the church has its issues, it is my church.  I’m reminded of St. Augustine who basically argued that the Church is a mix of sinners and saints.    It’s not always going to be perfect, but we also have faith that God is in the middle of all this, offering compassion and mercy and, above all, love.  I think it is this God who I love.

Luckily, I’m not alone in all of this.  Bro. Javi said that he feels the same way.  And he, too, is stymied by his passion and enthusiasm for all-things-Pope. So, we’ve made plans to head down to St. Peter’s square on Wednesday morning (and maybe again in the evening) just to be a part of all this.  As Javi said, “I don’t care if the smoke is white or black…I just want to see smoke.”  Chalk this up to yet another crazy adventure that, yes, God is in the middle of.
Two Brothers on a mission to see Conclave smoke!

Disclaimer: I am going to St. Peter’s after my classes are finished.  Don’t worry Bro. Charles, I do go to class. 


1 comment:

  1. I'm so jealous! We'll have to find some time to catch up at some point - post election. I want to hear all about it!
