Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Celebrating the Fourth, Italian style

There’s an old joke that asks: “Do they have the Fourth of July in Italy?”  The answer is: “Of course they do, it’s right after the third and before the fifth!” 

As you might have guessed, I spent this year’s U.S. Independence Day by going to Italian class here in Verona…it’s not exactly hamburgers, potato salad, and fireworks.   Of the 200 students in the language program, I am the only person from the United States.   (I’ll write more about language school later.)  But, I was not forgotten.  A few students (including one Pakistani) came up to me and said, “You’re from the U.S. right?  Well, happy Fourth of July!”  I appreciated their thoughtfulness. 

And then, of course, there are the Brothers.  They wished my “Auguri,” hummed the National Anthem, and are celebrating with me today.  But, maybe that’s just because I said I’d treat them to gelato tonight J  As you see from the pictures below, we celebrated this American holiday in Italian style!

For all those back home, have a slice of watermelon for me and say an “oooh” and an “ahhhh” in my stead.

Fourth of July gelato with Bros. Nereo, Bosco, and Daniel.

One more picture of gelato.  This time with Bro. Javier.

1 comment:

  1. Happy 4th of July!! Gelato sounds like a fine substitute to me :)
