Friday, June 22, 2012

Out and About...

There has been much coming-and-going in the Seminary community the past couple of weeks.  More members of the "new class" have arrived - Nereo from Mexico, Joseph from India, and Gautier from Ivory Coast.  We're still waiting for Javier from Spain,and then we'll be complete.  At the same time, several brothers have finished their studies and will be ordained in their home units in the near future.  And, everyone else is heading out to summer assignments both home and abroad.
In the middle of all of this, I've been able to see some more sights.  I'll let the pictures do the talking.

Jinu and I at the Vittoria Emmanuelle II monument.
Joseph and Daniel at Constantine's Arch

Look!  There's a big old building!

Dan and I at Campidoglio (not really sure what's behind us)

Gelato.  Enough said.
I took this inside a little church along the street.  I don't remember the name, but I liked the contrast of the centuries-old architecture and the modern CFL lightbulbs.

In the Basilica of San Ignazio, the tomb of San Luigi (Aloysius) Gonzaga.  We visited here on his feast day............Can I get a "Go Bulldogs!!"

Statue of Saint Ignatius for all my Jesuit friends.
The Pantheon.  Once a Roman temple, now a Catholic Church.

Inside the Pantheon.

Inside the Pantheon
At Piazza Navona, a gathering spot for Romans, artists and tourists.

Piazza Navona.


  1. "big, old building" indeed...I'm sure you've seen plenty of those in Fort Wayne.
