Monday, May 13, 2024

Day 1: Estamos en España

In case you haven’t heard, I’m on the Camino de Santiago again.  This time, I am accompanying eight students and one religious studies professor from the University of Dayton. This past semester, we have been looking into the history, theology and spirituality of pilgrimage in general and the Camino in particular. We are now at the end of the course and will walk about 150 miles starting from Astorga, but more about that later. 
The students

For anyone who has made a trip to Europe, you know it can be challenging. We arrived in Madrid at what felt like 1:00am to us. I don’t know about you, but I can’t really sleep on a plane. But we made it safely and that’s what matters.  However, our traveling for the day was not over.  With a little bit of broken Spanish and some luck we got on a city train to take us from the airport to one of the main train stations where we got on a fast train to Zaragoza.

Waiting at ORD

We will be spending a couple days in Zaragoza to get over jetlag, acclimate ourselves to Spain and see a few Marianist sites. We  are staying with the Marianist community at Colegio Santa Maria del Pilar, the Marianist school here. Much to my surprise, we were greeted at the train station by Bro. Chema who wanted to make sure we arrived safely. 

After a much-needed shower and a little rest, we went for a little walk together, Well, we intended to go for a little walk. It ended up being a little bit more as we were looking for someplace to grab a bite to eat, only to realize that Spanish restaurants don’t open until much later. We ended up finding a small grocery store and improvised. A highlight was that we walked through a beautiful park and decided to have dinner there as well. 

Here’s Matthew imitating the lion in the statue. Who thinks I should introduce him to imitating Camino statues????

Buen Camino!

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