Friday, February 7, 2020

Day 4: Sr. Dorothy Stang Novena

Wednesday, February 12, 2020, marks the 15th anniversary of the murder of Sr. Dorothy Stang, SNDdeN, a Sister of Notre Dame de Namur and graduate of Julienne High School (1949).  To celebrate the anniversary of her martyrdom and to carry on her legacy, the Chaminade Julienne Catholic High School community will be praying a novena in her honor.  The daily text is below.  To learn more about Sr. Dorothy, click this link.

February 7

From the Gospel of Matthew we hear: “Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for justice; they shall have their fill.

Sr. Dorothy said: "Our Gospel response calls us to take risks among our people. They don't have this privilege or they would be killed if they resist openly --indeed, they are killed."

Sister Dorothy had a passion for justice expressed over almost 40 years of struggle for the poor farmers and for the integrity of the rain forest. Hundreds of people lost their lives, their homes, their crops and animals to the violence of illegal ranchers and loggers, but she doggedly pushed on. She knew the risks she was taking, knowing that there was a $25,000 bounty on her head.  Like Sr. Dorothy, let us never give up in our work for justice and peace.  We may not have death threats, but we can continue to work patiently, courageously and joyfully for justice and peace. 

Today’s suggested action:
Pick one issue where justice and peace is needed, and learn one thing about it.  Share that new knowledge with someone else.

Good and gracious God, we pray for the safety of our Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur who are still working in Brazil. We pray for the people for whom they continue the dangerous work of accompaniment. We ask that you change the hearts of those who perpetuate violence in Brazil. We also pray for ourselves, that we be faithful to the practice of justice and peace in our communities and in responding to the needs of others. This we ask through Christ, Our Lord.  Amen.

May the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit be glorified in all places through the Immaculate Virgin Mary.  Amen.

[The text of this Novena is adapted from]

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