Friday, June 14, 2024

We made it: Arzua - Pedrouza - Santiago!

First, a disclaimer. We made it to Santiago on time and without any problems. It has just taken me almost 2 weeks to finally write this post. Getting into Santiago and the return home has been a whirlwind and I finally have some time to breathe.

One thing I noticed during the last few days of walking, was that I just didn’t take a whole lot of pictures. I think it was for a few reasons. I was getting tired (we were probably due for a rest day) and I was just trying to soak in the last few moments of walking - there is just something so freeing about only having to worry about getting to your destination, staying hydrated and nourished, and soaking in all the beauty that surrounds you, both in the natural environment and the people that you meet. 

Breakfast of champions!

Speaking of people that you meet, I was able to concelebrate mass in a few of the towns where we stayed. It just so happened that there were three other priests, who all seemed to be walking on the same itinerary the last few days, and so we got to know each other. One was from Chile, one from South Korea and one from Valencia, Spain, who was there with a group of seminarians that he works with. 

Fr. Andy from South Korea

Also, speaking of more people, I want to give a shout out to the UD students who were on this pilgrimage. They. Were. Incredible. In terms of their level of engagement and depth of reflection, they exceeded any expectations that I had.  They really threw themselves into the experience, went with the flow when needed, and just seemed to have a wonderful time.  And hats off to my colleague, Nick.  He was a great partner to have on the journey.

And now, for the moment you’ve all been waiting for… Santiago! Click on the video below to see our entrance into the cathedral plaza.

In Santiago, we took it all in, celebrated our accomplishments and had time to reflect on the experience. 

With our seminarian friends

That's my "Camino #2" pose

At a pilgrim's mass in the cathedral, one of the UD students even got to proclaim the first Spanish!

We also went on a tour of the cathedral rooftop. It was a group favorite.

After a few days in Santiago, we returned to Madrid to catch our flight home. We were able to explore Madrid for a few hours, including the cathedral and the seeing the royal palace.  I don't think the king was in.

Of course while visiting in Madrid, we had our packs with us still, and a gentleman approached me to tell me something very important. Honestly, I figured I had done something wrong.  Rather, he wanted to point out that the cathedral had a statue of Saint James. He simply pointed up and said, “Santiago! Santiago!”  It was as if everything had come full circle.  

Until next time…Buen Camino!